Wind Energy Services
Building safe and efficient solutions to complex wind challenges
We support both new and operational wind power plants. Explore our services for wind turbine generating facilities.

Inspection Services
- Pre-assembly
- Construction
- Warranty
- Snag or punch lists
- Post damage (fire, storm, part failure and more)

Corrective Services and Repairs
- Generator replacement
- Main shaft (low speed) replacement
- Gearbox replacement
- Craneless option: Up-tower gearbox repair
- Rotor drops
- High speed coupler repair/replacement
- Yaw drive replacement
- Yaw claw/clamp
- Retrofits
- Fiberglass repair
- Broken bolt extraction (blade, rotor, gearbox, deck and base bolt)
Discovery at work

Tim Welch
Director of Wind Operations
“Discovery consistently finds ways to safely and successfully accomplish jobs that other companies will not attempt.”

Get in touch with us today to learn more.
We still believe in meeting face to face to develop the best solutions for your project’s mission.